The Life Groups are conformed by the different population of El Olivo Church’s population, based on their age or generation. Each one of these groups have their own meetings, preaching, intercession, counseling and leadership.
Life Groups exist to aid the biblical and spiritual growth, discuss matters appropriate to one’s generation, provide personal accountability, build and attend to the needs of their population.
A radical and passionate generation for Jesus, who perseveres to be light in a world full of darkness.
The Compass (orientation instrument for ships) of our lives is Jesus, who gives us purpose and direction.
At Vital we understand that our only source of life is Jesus, apart from Him we can do nothing.
At Honor, we want to be an example for the new generations, an example of how God should be honored.
Abba is our training school for the youngest. Our purpose is to instruct children in the only way, Jesus.