Pierce and Meghan Davis, Missionaries to Thailand
Pierce and Meghan Davis are a couple of missionaries passionate for Jesus. Nowadays they are living in Michigan. They have a son named Eliot who’s one year old, and another one who’s being born soon.
Since they arrived for the first time to Iglesia El Olivo in 2012 they have become part of our family and have blessed our lives. And though they may not be with us physically, they are pretty involved with our church and growth. They were even part of #ExperienciaOlivo 2016 (our last youth camp).
God has put in our hearts a desire to help as much as possible for them to accomplish the calling He has giving them, and we know for sure that they are doing their best with love and commitment.
Pierce and Meghan have traveled to Australia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Thailand, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Trinidad & Tobago, Greece, Argentina, and Dominican Republic to preach the Gospel. Now they are getting ready to go back to Thailand to continue the work that God has assigned them to do.
Last April 4th we had the chance to talk to Pierce and this is what he shared with us about his experience as a missionary and his return to Thailand:
It is with great excitement that we get to update you on a couple new things in our ministry. As many of you know, I (Pierce) traveled back to Thailand in January to help launch some new ministries we have in some predominantly Muslim communities. While we were there we saw God open many doors that will help us continue to reach these communities and spread the message of Christ.
Every year Thailand has a national children’s day where the entire country will have events and special activities for the children all across the nation. While there, our team was able to participate in this special day. We got up on stage and danced around, played games, and became involved in a community that has seen little to no outsiders come with a desire to help and serve them. This part of the country has no missionaries living in it and very few churches. For the last 2 years, Meghan and I have desperately been praying for open doors and a way that we can effectively communicate the gospel in this area. This trip was an answer to those prayers!
While we were there the community leaders were so impressed with our work, attitude, and nature that they have invited us back on a regular basis and at one point even said they would help us in any way they could and were more than excited to have us come back and help with community development. The door has opened so that we can return to these communities on a regular basis to spread the hope and love of Jesus and so our team is currently preparing to return for 3 weeks in June to pioneer new ministries in the área.
For more information about their ministry or supporting and helping them, visit the website http://www.pierceandmeghan.com/
Pierce and Meghan also shared with us a little of their experience in God as missionaries in an interview we had with them:
- How difficult was the beginning of being a missionary couple?
It was difficult being away from family, friends, and our country, but we learned to trust God no matter what. It can be challenging to follow after the plan that God has for us but we just kept having faith and believed for Him to use us in incredible ways.
- What thing has surprised you most of God in your missionary life?
- How amazing people are.
- How much satan wants to destroy you. Every where we go we face obstacles and we know that it is Satan trying to distract us or tear us down, but we know that God is bigger and we are in his hands.
- What advice would give to those who have been called to preach the gospel?
Trust God and spend as much time with Him as possible. Read and pray a lot and trust him in every opportunity and let him use you to preach.
These are some pictures they shared with us from their last time in Thailand:
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